Cincinnati’s Halloween Tradition
Consistently Selected as one of the BEST HAUNTS in AMERICA!

Haunted House
The Dent Schoolhouse
Walk through Cincinnati’s Scariest Haunted House! Experience the story of a murderous Janitor and the killer faculty that now inhabit this haunted schoolhouse. Opens September – November
Lights Out
Lights Out
Experience The Dent Schoolhouse with nothing but a glow stick in your hand! Filled with live monsters, The Dent Schoolhouse goes completely DARK! Only in November!
A Christmas Nightmare
A Christmas Nightmare
Experience what it is like to celebrate Halloween and Christmas on the same day! The schoolhouse is decked out for this ghoulish holiday and a new batch of X-Mas themed characters have taken over this Christmas Nightmare!
Ghost Tours
Walk through The Dent Schoolhouse in complete darkness as you are guided through the schoolhouse and shown all the ghostly hot spots of the schoolhouse! No actors… just you and the schoolhouse. October Wednesdays only!
Lights On
Lights On
Experience The Dent Schoolhouse with the lights on and the schoolhouse with no monsters! This is perfect for all ages and is great to see all the detail in the award winning sets. PLUS- Trick – Or – Treat through the schoolhouse with candy stations!
Behind The Scenes Tours
Behind The Scenes Tours
Want to know what makes a haunted house tick? Take this unique guided tour as you are shown behind the scenes of The Dent Schoolhouse. Tours are small and will sell out. Tours are done before the haunt opens.
The Dent Schoolhouse Latest Updates:
A Christmas Nightmare 2024 – Details
The 7th annual A Christmas Nightmare returns for 2024- December 13th & 14th. The...
stupidDOPE Top 13 Must Visit Haunted Places
STUPIDDOPE just came out with their 13 Must-Visit Haunted Places: US list and Cincinnati’s...
Janitor Named Top 13 Iconic Scariest Haunted House Character
USA Today just released their Top 13 Terror-ific Iconic Characters from America’s scariest haunted...